¥4,980 JPY
¥3,798 JPY
An ultra-lite 10-speed road mountain bike chain compatible with the most popular 10 speed road system, the TIPSUM DX10SL 10-Speed Chain works with Shimano SRAM CAMPAGNOLOThe lightest 10 speed coating...
Tipsum 商品使用レビュー・日本国内販売店リストはこちらをクリック   中空ピンとプレート穴開け加工採用により超軽量に仕上がったチェーンです。窒化チタンコーティングを施しチェーンの性能を高い次元に引き上げると共に、ダブルクロスブリッジプレートにより高い耐久性と耐摩耗性を実現しています。超軽量化設計中空ピン採用アウター・インナープレート穴開け加工ダブルクロスブリッジ採用高耐久性・高耐摩耗性 An ultra-lite 10-speed road mountain bike chain compatible with the most popular 10 speed road system, the TIPSUM DX10SL 10-Speed Chain works with Shimano SRAM CAMPAGNOLOThe...
Availability: In Stock

An ultra-lite 10-speed road mountain bike chain compatible with the most popular 10 speed road system, the TIPSUM DX10SL 10-Speed Chain works with Shimano SRAM CAMPAGNOLO

The lightest 10 speed coating chain available
Quiet noiseless function
Snap link included. No more expensive Campagnolo chain tool needed.
Its lean construction reduces weight, improves shifting speed and smoothness, and reduces chain suck
Includes Missing Link 10 - Master Link
Extra stretch proof mushroomed pin
Campagnolo, Shimano & SRAM 10 Speed Compatible
Inner & Outer Plate Chamfering
Bushingless Construction
Hollow pins & plates
Full Retail Package
Pin length 6.0
Pin power (min) 300kgf
1/2" x 11/128"
Advertised Weight: 251.4g (116link) / 255.8g (118link)
Uncut 118LINK
Titanium Nitride coating


Tipsum 商品使用レビュー・日本国内販売店リストはこちらをクリック




An ultra-lite 10-speed road mountain bike chain compatible with the most popular 10 speed road system, the TIPSUM DX10SL 10-Speed Chain works with Shimano SRAM CAMPAGNOLO

The lightest 10 speed coating chain available
Quiet noiseless function
Snap link included. No more expensive Campagnolo chain tool needed.
Its lean construction reduces weight, improves shifting speed and smoothness, and reduces chain suck
Includes Missing Link 10 - Master Link
Extra stretch proof mushroomed pin
Campagnolo, Shimano & SRAM 10 Speed Compatible
Inner & Outer Plate Chamfering
Bushingless Construction
Hollow pins & plates
Full Retail Package
Pin length 6.0
Pin power (min) 300kgf
1/2" x 11/128"
Advertised Weight: 251.4g (116link) / 255.8g (118link)
Uncut 118LINK
Titanium Nitride coating





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TIPSUM DX10SL 10speed 118Links Road MTB Bike Titanium Nitride coating Chain for Shimano SRAM CAMPAGNOLO TIPSUM DX10SL 10速用ROAD MTB 超軽量中空加工チタンコーティングチェーン(ミッシングリンク付属) for Shimano SRAM CAMPAGNOLO

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